Everyday, you receive 2 invitations from Jesus ...
Come TO Me
You're not invited to a list of behaviors
a weekly program
or a measuring stick
You're invited by the person of Jesus
to receive
and be filled
and overflow
Here's how ...
Everyday, you receive 2 invitations from Jesus ...
Come TO Me
You're not invited to a list of behaviors
a weekly program
or a measuring stick
You're invited by the person of Jesus
to receive
and be filled
and overflow
Here's how ...
abide -- John 15:4
Jesus invites you to come to Him. Your role is to simply remain attached like a branch to a vine, receiving what you need to mature as the Creator intends.
Abide options at Redlands Church:
Bear fruit -- John 15:12
As you receive from Jesus, He promises to produce fruit. He also says that apart from Him you can't produce anything of Godly value. Sweating and sacrificing produce nothing.
But He will produce much fruit ... and fruit that lasts.
overflow -- John 15:26
Jesus produces "much fruit" so that others can receive. We'll help you learn how to recognize where and how God wants to spill over without overwhelming those who hunger.